FEAR part 2of2 (redone)

The last post I published about my fear assignment I hadn’t conducted the experiment on the class, but my family, as an act of desperation since I had missed the first class we had set to present in. Luckily, I still got to present and I liked the reactions I got out of the class a lot more than what I got out of my family. While I was conducting the experiment, I was trying to pay attention to the reactions of everyone in class. As I was observing, I could see some of the classmate’s faces change as the slides went on. Some of them would look away, some would just make a disgusted face. When the video started playing, I liked the fact that almost everyone had a reaction to the spider video. Even though, the audio wasn’t working, I still got the reaction I was looking for. I saw a few people jump while the video was playing and almost everyone laughed at the end of it. I thought that was strange, because every time I had watched the video, I would scream when the spider jumped off the ceiling, but I would always be laughing by the end of it. Almost as if it were a nervous laugh. The reaction I got out of the class was a lot closer to what I was expecting.

I think the main thing that I would change would be the fact that I focused on phobias instead of true fears. I see my fears of spiders and heights as true fears, but they’re not the kind of fears that deeply effect you on a day to day basis. I feel like I would have gotten a lot more out of the experiment if I had.

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